Zen cart templates & services

PureBlue Template

free Zen Cart template by Zen-Cart-Power.com Dated: 20 Apr 09
Designers often use blue color, especially in WWW. Actually, we designed PureBlue as dark blue that is associated with sky, sea, jeans - everything that is reliable and faithful. In our world of digital revolution and swift development of technologies which are difficult to follow by it is absolutely understandable that people require peace and quietness that implies blue color. Dark blue is perceived as a color of reliability, faith, professionalism. Let your store dress on PureBlue. Power your Zen Cart with one of the free zen cart templates from Pure series!

File size: 551985 bytes

Zen Cart version: 1.3.8

Downloading the Program you agree to the entire Free downloading terms.

1.Download. You download and use Pureblue template with the ‘Design created by zen-cart-power.com’ bottom link. You DO NOT remove it in any case.


2.Download. You pay $15 for a ‘Brand free option’ via 2CO or Paypal - that permits you to use any free templates from ‘Pure’ series without the ’Design created by zen-cart-power.com’ bottom link within one domain that you fill in the form below. After the payment completion you will be forwarded to get PureBlue template archive without the bottom link (Brand free optioned PureBlue archive).

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Installation notes

WARNING Backup your website files and database before the installation.
1. Backup all the files and database
2. Unpack the PureBlue package to the directory where your Zen Cart is installed
3. Log in to the admin area
4. Go to the Tools->Template Selection
5. Click on the ‘Classic Contemporary Green’ template name
6. Select ‘PureBlue’ value for the selectbox on the right and click on the ‘Update’ button
7. Go to the Tools -> Layout Boxes Controller
8. Click on the ‘Reset’ button on the bottom
9. Enjoy

You can configure template using ‘Tools > Layout Boxes Controller’ and ‘Configuration > Layout settings’ sections in the admin area.


Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
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