Zen cart templates & services

Electronics Template Set

Zen Cart template by Zen-Cart-Power.com Dated: 22 Mar 09
Electronics Zen Cart template
Click here to see DEMO STORE


  • Customer oriented usability
  • 5 in 1 package set (Black, Black light, Blue, Orange, Red variations)
  • Flexibility (configuration settings for original Zen Cart template are also applicable for ‘Electronics’)
  • No affection to core functionality
  • No changes in default database scheme
  • Easy to install (no mySQL patches)
  • One-click template configuration (zen cart admin area->extras->Electronics Set)

Zen Cart version: 1.3.8+

Downloading the Set you agree to the entire License info.

Zen-cart-power.com proudly presents a set of unique ‘Electronics’ theme Zen Cart templates in one package. This package includes five templates in different colour variations. Every template was tested for Zen Cart 1.3.8+ compatibility. Integration we used did not affect the core script and mySQL database so an installation process should be easy and not harmful. Our zen cart templates are flexible to configure via admin area, easy to change between each other and original Zen Cart skin.

For all of our Electronics set templates we bonus an ‘autoset’ one-click tuning option. It allows you to rapid set template parametres after skin is installed without manual configuration.

There are many advantages due to flexibility of our zen cart templates. One of them is that you can use this package not only for electronics articles - simply choose the colour variation that bests suits your store, add your text and replace the images!

Installation notes

WARNING Backup your website files and database before the installation.
1. Backup all the files and database
2. Unpack the Electronics package to the directory where your Zen Cart is installed
3. Log into the admin area
4. Go to the Tools->Template Selection
5. Click on the ‘Classic Contemporary Green’ template name
6. Select template from ‘Electronics’ set for the selectbox on the right and click on the ‘Update’ button
7. Click Admin -> Payment Processors and Activate your Merchant Processor Plugin.
8. Go to the Tools->Layout Boxes Controller
9. Click on the ‘Reset’ button on the bottom
10. Go to the Extras->Electronics Set
11. Click on the ‘Apply settings for template’ button (this is ‘One-click template configuration’ option)
12. Enjoy

You can configure template using ‘Tools > Layout Boxes Controller’ and ‘Configuration > Layout settings’ sections in the admin area.


Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
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