The BaskBlack template on our online free demo store includes two images that were added manually by our team.
Continue reading >>This article is about how to remove or add EZ-Pages. Shortly, EZ-Pages are the manually created links on different parts of your store and when clicked the user goes to that ‘easy page’ from that ‘easy’ created link.
Continue reading >>To delete the items (names) listed on the navigation bar of ‘Pure’ free zen cart templates (Home, New products, Specials, Featured products, My account, View cart):
Continue reading >>A variety of stylish Zen Cart templates with features like banners, hover and onclick effect buttons, one click template configuration from store admin, friendly to existing stores with no affect to existing files…
Before any template (or skin) installation a Zen Cart installation is required. Many users just starting building their own 1st store can even do not know what physically template is. This is normal situation and zen-cart-power will try to explain what thing called ‘zen cart template’ is provided by our site and its installation.
Our templates being distributed as an archive containing several main folders (these are mostly 3 folders – ‘admin’, ‘includes’, ‘images’) with secondary files like installation instructions. Simply, template is a replacement of standard ‘Classic Contemporary Green’ Zen Cart template. Template (or skin) is a storefront look. This means that after installing the skin the look of the storefront will change and additional features like specific banner or popup, or hovered button and etc… will take place instead of classic view and behavior:
A good resource of featured Zen Cart templates, installation services for Zen Cart stores, design issues
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